Ages 7-11
Grammar & independent exams
Unlimited practice tests
Get insights on your child's performance in every topic, their standardised age score, what to learn next, and how they compare to other applicants.
Tell us your your target schools and we'll build your child a personalised exam prep plan that runs from today to exam day.
Generate as many practice papers for your target schools as you like, for no extra cost. Only available on Atom Home.
Watch your child build confidence in every topic. 100,000+ questions, 600+ videos and worksheets, live lessons and much more.
Expert guidance from education and admissions specialists ensures your child gets help when they need it most.
We're here for you at every stage of your journey with an extensive library of free materials, including online courses, school guides, and tips to help your child succeed.
Get insights on your child's performance in every topic, their standardised age score, what to learn next, and how they compare to other applicants.
Tell us your your target schools and we'll build your child a personalised exam prep plan that runs from today to exam day.
Generate as many practice papers for your target schools as you like, for no extra cost. Only available on Atom Home.
Watch your child build confidence in every topic. 100,000+ questions, 600+ videos and worksheets, live lessons and much more.
Expert guidance from education and admissions specialists ensures your child gets help when they need it most.
We're here for you at every stage of your journey with an extensive library of free materials, including online courses, school guides, and tips to help your child succeed.
Get insights on your child's performance in every topic, their standardised age score, what to learn next, and how they compare to other applicants.
Tell us your your target schools and we'll build your child a personalised exam prep plan that runs from today to exam day.
Generate as many practice papers for your target schools as you like, for no extra cost. Only available on Atom Home.
Watch your child build confidence in every topic. 100,000+ questions, 600+ videos and worksheets, live lessons and much more.
Expert guidance from education and admissions specialists ensures your child gets help when they need it most.
We're here for you at every stage of your journey with an extensive library of free materials, including online courses, school guides, and tips to help your child succeed.
Our exam preparation caters to every selective school entrance test in the country. Wherever you’re headed, we can help.
Tell us what school you’re aiming for, and we’ll build a tailored exam prep plan for your child to follow.
With on-hand advice from our expert team, and clear data on your child's performance, you know exactly where you stand, every step of the way.
Choose up to 5. We’ll build an exam prep plan that covers everything and makes the best use of each week.
Try for freeYour child’s plan adapts as they go. Over 100,000 questions, worksheets, video lessons and mock tests.
See where you stand with reliable data on your child’s progress. Compare scores to other kids.
Try for freeAtom makes learning and revision enjoyable with weekly targets, coins to earn, and different worlds to explore.
Perfect exam skills with mock tests that mirror the real thing. Slide into the exam hall with confidence.
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Get inspired and build confidence in key subjects.
Get inspired and build confidence in key subjects.
Save £95.98 with a yearly plan
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Mock tests
Start preparing for 11+ grammar and private school exams.
Start preparing for 11+ grammar and private school exams.
Save £143.98 with a yearly plan
Try for freeSubjects
Verbal reasoning
Non-verbal reasoning
Mock tests
Boost preparation for 11+ grammar and private school exams.
Boost preparation for 11+ grammar and private school exams.
Save £167.98 with a yearly plan
Try for freeSubjects
Verbal reasoning
Non-verbal reasoning
Mock tests
Unlimited online mock tests
Unlimited printable paper tests
Ask us anything about exams and admissions.
Insider tips to support your child’s progress.
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Education resources and tips for your family.
Yes – our content is grounded in the Key Stage 2 national curriculum in England. We cover English, maths and science for Years 3–6 (ages 7–11). Our verbal and non-verbal reasoning curriculums are in line with the major exam boards.
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