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Christmas worksheets: maths

By Atom | Nov 28, 2024, 4:19 PM

Boy in red Christmas jumper working at a table with christmas tree in background

Looking for fun, festive educational activities for your child this winter? We hope ‘yule’ enjoy these free, printable Christmas-themed maths worksheets!

Each worksheet includes ten jolly multiplication and division questions. Your child can practise knowledge and skills from the Key Stage 2 maths national curriculum. The answers are included at the end of each worksheet.

Age 7–8 (Year 3)

Practise mental multiplication and division:

Download worksheet

Year 3 Christmas maths worksheet

Age 8–9 (Year 4)

Practise mental multiplication and division:

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Year 4 Christmas maths worksheet

Age 9–10 (Year 5)

Practise mental multiplication and division:

Download worksheet

Year 5 Christmas maths worksheet

Age 10–11 (Year 6)

Practise long division, long multiplication and mental arithmetic:

Download worksheet

Year 6 Christmas maths worksheet

More free maths resources

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Useful maths videos

These maths videos will help your child with the skills and knowledge needed for the activities above.

Introduction to multiplication tutorial

Intro to multiplication

In this tutorial, learn what multiplication is with step-by-step examples.

Multiplication is the calculation we use to express repeated additions of equal groups. Using repeated addition will always help you find the answer to a multiplication – but it is much quicker to learn your times tables by heart!

Short division tutorial

Intro to short division

In this tutorial, learn how to divide 3-digit numbers using short division. You'll see a step-by-step worked example of a short division problem.

Division is the calculation used to share an amount into equal groups. Short division is used to divide large numbers by 1-digit numbers. You may know this as the 'bus stop method' as the lines look a little like a bus stop.

Long division tutorial

Intro to long division

In this tutorial, learn how to divide larger numbers using long division. You'll see a step-by-step worked example of a long division problem.

Use the mnemonic Dangerous Monkeys Steal Bananas to remember the steps for long division:

  1. Divide

  2. Multiply

  3. Bring down

  4. Subtract

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