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Setting Mock Tests with Atom School

By Atom | Feb 2, 2024, 12:09 PM


Mock Tests are a great way to introduce children to test conditions, question pacing and quality exam technique.

This means that, when the real thing comes around, pupils will feel more than prepared to ace their papers.

At Atom Learning, we are offering schools free Mock Tests during the summer term to give pupils an authentic taste of what they can experience in the coming weeks, months and years.

If that wasn’t enough, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set a Mock Test with Atom School. We’ve even thrown in some top tips too!

1. Creating your Mock Test session

Setting up a Mock Test session with Atom School is really straightforward.

Start by opening up your menu and selecting ‘mock sessions’. There, you will have access to previously set Mock Tests and corresponding results. Once your Mock Test is completed, this is where you will be able to access class results.

Create your Mock Test session with a Mock Test name, date and start time. This information can be changed right up until the exam starts.

You are in complete control as to when the test begins and ends.

With Atom School, there’s a host of tests to choose from. You can select as many as you need, as long as you have credits. If you wish to conduct more Mock Tests then reach out to our Schools Team who will be happy to help.

You can select a class or individual pupils for each test. Additionally, you can add any extra time with the blue pencil icon to accommodate every child.

That’s it! Either save your set-up ready for an exam scheduled later in the day or activate your live session straight away.

2. Conducting your Mock Test with Atom School

First, your pupils will have an invitation to join the exam session from their dashboard. Once they have clicked the link, they will be presented with an instruction sheet.

This is a great opportunity to underline expectations and requirements with pupils, as well as address any questions or concerns.

When this has been completed, the students can begin the test at the bottom of the instruction page. You can start the clock in tandem and let them answer away!

Atom School’s Mock Tests can be paused at any time. So, if there’s a fire alarm or even if you’re at the end of the day, simply stop the test and resume at your discretion.

Pausing can even occur on an individual level, meaning every pupil and their needs are catered for.

3. Monitoring Mock Test progress

As the test is carried out, teachers have access to pupil progress bars.

Each one indicates how many questions individual pupils have answered. This measure is ideal to gauge those who are rushing through or those who are struggling to get going.

Atom’s mock sessions provide visibility on how each learner is coping with simulated exam pressure which can inform intervention immediately, or later on.

Once the papers are completed, a green tick will pop up next to each pupil’s name. When you are satisfied that your class has had the allotted time or everyone has finished you can end the session, where you will be immediately taken to the results.

We’ve written a blog on analysing Mock Test results with Atom and how these can be used to inform future planning.

Mock Test top tips

Adaptive learning:

For those of you electing to run tests that use adaptive technology, such as the ISEB Common Pre-Test, students cannot go back and edit previously entered answers. This means it is crucial for them to spend time finding the correct answer and not racing through to access more challenging content.

Speed is of the essence:

With some of the Prime Mock Tests, speed is the name of the game. Tests such as the CEM 11 plus grammar school exams rely on quick answering. If pupils are unclear on a question, we recommend they move on and come back to it later. Spending minutes on individual questions means they could miss out on marks later on.

With Atom Prime’s Mock Tests you can set exams in key subjects including English, maths, science, reasoning and non-verbal reasoning. These tests include, but are not limited to, ISEB Common Pre-Tests, grammar schools 11+, school-specific, CAT4 and KS2 SATs.

If you would like to know more about Prime’s Mock Tests or gain access to Prime in your classroom, book an introductory call with the Atom Learning team today.


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