Watch the short videos below for important information about Prime and how to maximise your child's learning outcomes.
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If you have an Atom Nucleus home learning account and an Atom Prime school account the best thing to do is to link them together.
This means that everything can be accessed from one dashboard.
From your child's account, click the 'Link Accounts' from the left-hand menu to begin the process.
Watch Now: How to link accounts
Atom Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT).
It consists of 8 questions in each of the 5 subjects - English, maths, verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and science
Find out your child's strengths and areas for improvement.
Watch Now: What is the Atom CAT?
You can view a report of your child's performance from your Parent Portal for a quick overview of your child's performance.
For a deeper insight you can click the 'View Transcript' button.
The results summary will show a Stanine ranking, Standard Age Score (SAS), Student Score and a breakdown of all questions answered.
Watch Now: Interpreting Atom CAT results
You can easily track your child's progress through the Parent Portal.
The Score Card area shows homework, lesson and Mock Test transcripts from your child's school.
The Attainment graph is the best indicator of subject or topic mastery. A decile score of 7 or above shows strong subject mastery.
Watch Now: Checking your Progress Page