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Surbiton High School 11 plus guide

By Atom | Sep 25, 2023, 11:03 AM

Surbiton High School, London

Are you considering Surbiton High School 11 plus entry for your daughter? We've collated everything you need to know about applying for a place in Year 7. Learn about key dates, what's covered on the entrance exam, and how to help your child prepare.

About Surbiton High School

Surbiton High School is an independent day school for girls aged 11 to 18. It's currently ranked within the top 50 independent schools in the UK.

Students at Surbiton High study an extensive academic curriculum. There are plenty of subjects to choose from, including unique options such as Classical Greek, Dance, and Art Photography. All children study four languages – French, German, Latin, and Spanish – in Year 7. Sixth form students progress to top universities including the Russell Group and Oxbridge.

The co-curricular programme is vast, with activities taking place on the main site, sports ground, and the boat house. There are over 60 musical events each year, with further opportunities in art, dance and drama. Sport is available for all and the school achieves regular success in the 'Super Eight' (cricket, football, netball, hockey, gymnastics, rowing, tennis, and skiing).

Wellbeing is at the core of education at Surbiton High School. The school has its own Charter for Wellbeing, based on a growing body of scientific evidence, to help students develop, grow and flourish. A partnership with Kooth gives pupils free early mental health support, and the on-site Welfare Centre provides access to physical and mental health specialists.

  • Headteacher: Rebecca Glover

  • Address: 13-15 Surbiton Crescent, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2JT

  • London borough: Kingston upon Thames

  • Age range and gender: 11–18, girls only (separate prep schools for boys and girls aged 4–11)

  • Number of pupils: 1,100+

  • National league table rank (Sunday Times Parent Power): 40

  • A level results (2022): 94.6% A*–B

  • GCSE results (2022): 89.9% 9–7

Key info for Year 7 admissions

  • Admissions contact: [email protected], 020 8439 1309

  • Open day: Tuesday 26th September, Thursday 28th September, and Tuesday 10th October 2023 – book online

  • Entry process: entrance exam, interview, and school reference

  • Registration closes: 12pm on Thursday 2nd November 2023

  • Assessment date: Saturday 25th November 2023

Surbiton High School fees & financial assistance

The 2023–2024 fees at Surbiton High School are £7,177 per term (if paid by direct debit) or £7,192 per term (if paid by another method). Fees include the cost of normal tuition and most books and stationery.

Lunch is compulsory for students in Years 7–9, and costs £328 per term.

Financial assistance

Surbiton High School is able to support low-income families with school fees through a limited number of means-tested bursaries. These are awarded based on the child's academic potential (assessed in the entry process) and a family financial assessment. Bursaries cannot cover 100% of school fees – the family are still expected to contribute.

As a guide, families with an income of less than £100,000 are likely to be considered for a bursary. Learn more about Surbiton High School bursaries on the school website.


Children applying for Year 7 entry to Surbiton High School can also apply for a scholarship. These are awarded on merit and are irrespective of family income.

The available scholarships for Year 7 entry are:

  • Academic (no application – all children who take the entrance exam are automatically considered)

  • Art

  • Cricket

  • Dance

  • Drama

  • Football

  • Gymnastics

  • Hockey

  • Music

  • Netball

  • Performing Arts

  • Skiing

  • Tennis

Some children may be considered for a Principal's Award. This is awarded to a candidate, or candidates, in recognition of exceptional performance.

Surbiton High School term dates

The 2023–2024 term dates at Surbiton High School are:

  • Autumn term: 6th September – 15th December 2023

  • Half term: 16th–27th October 2023

  • Spring term: 5th January – 22nd March 2024

  • Half term: 12th–16th February 2024

  • Summer term: 16th April – 5th July 2024

  • Half term: 27th–31st May 2024

The 2024–2025 term dates at Surbiton High School are:

  • Autumn term: 5th September – 13th December 2024

  • Half term: 21st October – 1st November 2024

  • Spring term: 7th January – 4th April 2025

  • Half term: 17th–21st February 2025

  • Summer term: 28th April – 9th July 2025

  • Half term: 26th–30th May 2025

Surbiton High School 11 plus admissions process

Children applying for Year 7 entry to Surbiton High School enter the senior school. Around 120 children are welcomed from local primary and prep schools into Year 7 each year. These children join the girls moving up from Surbiton Prep School.

As Surbiton High School is academically selective, your child will need to pass the entry process to be offered a place in Year 7.

1. Visit the school

If you're considering Surbiton High School for your daughter, it's a good idea to visit first. The school holds regular open days, which are a great opportunity to learn more about the school, hear from senior staff, and see the facilities.

Find out more about upcoming open days and book your place on the school website.

2. Register for Year 7 entry

Once you have decided to continue with your daughter's application to Surbiton High School, it's time to complete the online application form. A non-refundable registration fee of £150 (or £200 for overseas applicants) applies.

The application deadline for 2024 entry is 12pm on Thursday 2nd November 2023. If you would like to apply for a scholarship and/or bursary, you will need to complete the relevant sections in this form and submit it by the earlier deadline of 12pm on Wednesday 4th October 2023.

The admissions team will be in touch with your child's current school to request a confidential report of their academic achievements and potential.

3. Surbiton High School entrance exam

All children who have been registered for Year 7 entry will take the Surbiton High School entrance exam. If you have applied for 2024 entry, your daughter will take the exam on Saturday 25th November 2023.

There are two assessments in the entrance exam:


The English test is approximately one hour long. It consists of an online reading comprehension test and a handwritten creative writing task. In both sections, your child will be asked to respond to an unseen text, which could be fiction or non-fiction.

Girls who can read thoughtfully and write confidently and fluently will excel in this exam.


The maths assessment lasts 30 minutes and is taken online. Questions are based on the Key Stage 2 national curriculum and cover the topics of number, shape and space, measurement, and data handling.

Surbiton High School expects candidates to be able to:

  • add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers, simple fractions and decimals

  • reason and apply basic problem-solving skills to questions involving charts, diagrams and tables

  • demonstrate fluency, accuracy, and knowledge of multiplication tables

  • work quickly and accurately without a calculator

4. Interview

Children who perform well in the entrance exam in November will be shortlisted for interview.

Interviews will be held throughout November, December and early January. They will be on a 1:1 basis with a senior member of school staff and will consist of a short, friendly conversation. This is an opportunity to discuss your daughter's motivation to join the school and their interests and hobbies. There will also be some friendly academic discussion.

5. Offers

Surbiton High School will write to you with the outcome of your daughter's application at the end of January or the beginning of February. If you have applied for a scholarship and/or bursary, you will also receive the outcome of these decisions at the same time.

If your daughter is offered a place, she will have the oppportunity to take part in some virtual taster sessions in February. These are interactive and give your child the opportunity to experience the schools' teaching, ethos, and approach to learning. You will also be invited to a 'Discover More' event in the same month.

To secure your daughter's place, you will need to return acceptance paperwork to the school, and pay a non-refundable £1,000 deposit, by 12pm on Monday 4th March 2024.

Top tips to prepare for entry to Surbiton High School

Surbiton High School is a popular choice for many parents in southwest London. Each year, around 500 children apply for 120 available places.

Here are our top tips to help your daughter prepare for the entry process and shine in the exam and interview.

It can be tempting to jump straight into practice papers to prepare for school exams. However, this is not an effective way to learn and can cause children to feel demotivated.

Your child should have a good understanding of the content they’ve been taught in Year 5 before testing their knowledge with practice papers. Using a ‘little and often’ approach when recapping content is key, as our brains encode new information more effectively when dealing with smaller ‘chunks’ of information. Experts recommend study sessions should last no longer than 30 minutes for children aged 10–11.

Exam support & free resources

Looking for more information? Visit the Atom blog to find out more about entrance exams, learn how to develop key skills, and download helpful resources.

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