In this 30 minute webinar, Charlotte will introduce you to the Year 6 (Key Stage 2) SATs. Watch below, or read on for a summary of the webinar.
Year 6 SATs are standardised assessment tests administered by primary schools in England to assess your child's knowledge of the full Key Stage 2 national curriculum. They are also one marker used by the government to determine the quality of the education at a school.
The SATs are compulsory for Year 6 students at state schools, and are always taken in May of Year 6. They assess your child on everything they have learned from Year 3 to Year 6. Some independent schools also choose to use the SATs.
You may be familiar with the SATs from when your child was in Year 2 (Key Stage 1). The Year 6 SATs are similar but more structured than the Year 2 SATs.
The SATs are set and marked externally from the school by the Standards and Testing Agency, to ensure they are consistent across all schools.
Year 6 students sit SATs papers in:
English reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling
In previous years, SATs have included science, but this has not been the case for the last couple of years. Instead, your child's teacher may set their own tests to assess science and other subjects.
You will get your child's SATs results during the first two weeks of July. You'll get a report stating your child's raw score and a scaled score between 80 and 120. A score of 100 or more means that your child has achieved the expected standard.
Tuesday 9th May
English paper 1: SPAG test (grammar and punctuation) – 45 minutes, worth 50 marks
English paper 2: SPAG test (spelling) – 15-20 minutes, worth 20 marks
Wednesday 10th May
English paper 3: reading test – 60 minutes, worth 50 marks
Thursday 11th May
Maths paper 1: arithmetic – 30 minutes, worth 30 marks
Maths paper 2: reasoning – 40 minutes, worth 40 marks
Friday 12th May
Maths paper 3: reasoning – 40 minutes, worth 40 marks
SATs are primarily used as a way for teachers and parents to learn more about students' strengths and areas for development as they exit Key Stage 2. They give teachers the chance to see how students are performing in comparison to peers, both at the same school and across the country.
Some secondary schools may use Year 6 SATs results, alongside Year 7 CAT exams, as part of their decision process when grouping students into sets or streams. To enter Year 7 top of the class and be ready for Key Stage 3 learning, it's important to prepare thoroughly for SATs.
Free SATs study guide: download now
Your child should spend 90% of their preparation time working through Atom's Learning Journeys. The Learning Journeys have been built based on the Key Stage 2 national curriculum, so will help your child to become confident in all possible question types that can come up on the SATs. The friendly helpsheets and explanations will support your child to consolidate their learning so they can replicate and apply their knowledge in future.
Use the overall course progress table to see your child's progress in all topics. To be in a strong position for both the SATs and the transition to secondary school, make sure they have a three star rating in each subtopic by the end of Year 6. You can filter the table to identify which areas your child has not started or has one star in, to gauge which areas to focus on next.
Set Custom Practices in those areas that your child is finding the most challenging, targeting one subtopic at a time.
Sign your child up for Year 6 Club – these Live Lessons delivered by expert teachers are a fun and interactive way to prepare.
Head over to Atom Nucleus to learn more.
If your child is currently in Year 6, why not join our Year 6 WhatsApp group? You'll get access to free resources to help your child continue to excel throughout Year 6, plus Education Expert advice on preparing for SATs and the transition to secondary school.