ISEB Common Pre-Tests
CEM Select
Second-stage assessments
Build confidence in every entrance exam topic. 100,000+ questions, 600+ videos and worksheets, live lessons and more.
Tailored to your target school, we build your child a personalised entrance exam prep plan that runs from today to exam day.
Online and paper mock tests for every UK school and exam, instant results and guidance on how to improve.
Advanced reporting on every exam topic and a dashboard that shows you how your child compares to other applicants.
Expert guidance from education and admissions specialists ensures your child gets help when they need it most.
We're here for you at every stage of your journey with an extensive library of free materials, including online courses, school guides, and tips to help your child succeed.
Build confidence in every entrance exam topic. 100,000+ questions, 600+ videos and worksheets, live lessons and more.
Tailored to your target school, we build your child a personalised entrance exam prep plan that runs from today to exam day.
Online and paper mock tests for every UK school and exam, instant results and guidance on how to improve.
Advanced reporting on every exam topic and a dashboard that shows you how your child compares to other applicants.
Expert guidance from education and admissions specialists ensures your child gets help when they need it most.
We're here for you at every stage of your journey with an extensive library of free materials, including online courses, school guides, and tips to help your child succeed.
Build confidence in every entrance exam topic. 100,000+ questions, 600+ videos and worksheets, live lessons and more.
Tailored to your target school, we build your child a personalised entrance exam prep plan that runs from today to exam day.
Online and paper mock tests for every UK school and exam, instant results and guidance on how to improve.
Advanced reporting on every exam topic and a dashboard that shows you how your child compares to other applicants.
Expert guidance from education and admissions specialists ensures your child gets help when they need it most.
We're here for you at every stage of your journey with an extensive library of free materials, including online courses, school guides, and tips to help your child succeed.
With on-hand advice from our expert team, and clear data on your child's performance, you know exactly where you stand, every step of the way.
Choose up to five. We’ll build an exam prep plan that covers everything and makes the best use of each week.
Choose up to five. We’ll build an exam prep plan that covers everything and makes the best use of each week.
Pay yearly (save 20%)
Build skills, boost confidence and prepare to excel in the independent school exams.
Build skills, boost confidence and prepare to excel in the independent school exams.
Save £143.98 with a yearly plan
Try for freeSubjects
Verbal reasoning
Non-verbal reasoning
Mock tests
Get unlimited practice materials, personalised learning plans and more to ace school exams.
Get unlimited practice materials, personalised learning plans and more to ace school exams.
Save £167.98 with a yearly plan
Try for freeSubjects
Verbal reasoning
Non-verbal reasoning
Mock tests
Unlimited online mock tests
Unlimited printable paper tests
We're here to support your child's exam prep journey. Want us to build a learning and revision plan, or know what topics are included on your target schools' exams? Get in touch!
Traditional private tutoring in the UK typically costs between £30 and £60 per hour. Over time, these expenses can accumulate significantly.
In contrast, we offer a comprehensive online learning platform at a fraction of the cost of traditional tutoring. Our subscription plans provide premium educational content tailored to your child's needs. With adaptive learning, realistic test practice replicating the content of independent school exams, automatic marking and personalised school-specific prep plans; we are an affordable, flexible, and efficient alternative to private tutoring.