Are you considering a secondary school in Surrey for your child? Despite being one of the smaller counties in the UK, there's plenty of choice with around 200 schools to choose from.
Keep reading to find out which private schools and state schools are ranked the highest in Surrey in 2025. Learn about exam results, school fees, and how to apply for a place.
Around one in five children in Surrey attend an independent (private) school, with 109 independent schools in total.
Guildford High School is an all-through school for girls aged 4–18 in Guildford, Surrey. The school is ranked 2nd out of all independent schools in the UK and has an impressive collection of accolades, including ‘Independent School of the Decade’ (The Sunday Times), 'Independent Girls Sporting School of the Year' (School Sport Magazine) and ‘Best School for Pastoral Care’ (The Week).
Number of pupils: 1,000+
National league table rank: 8
Fees: £8,329 per term
2024 A level results: 95.8% A*–B
2024 GCSE results: 98.2% A*/A/9/8/7
Entry points: 4+, 7+, 11+, 16+
11+ entry process: CEM Select exam and interview
If you would like your child to attend a private school in Surrey, you will need to register with the school. For most senior schools, registration closes in the autumn term of Year 6 for both 11 plus and 13 plus entry. You'll be charged a registration fee (usually £100–£200 for UK applicants) when you submit the registration form.
The top private schools in Surrey are selective, which means your child will need to take an entrance exam to be considered for a place. The type of exam depends on the school your child is applying for. Some schools use an exam board, such as the ISEB Common Pre-Test, Quest Admissions or CEM Select, while others set their own bespoke tests. All exams test skills in English and maths, and some also test children's ability in verbal and non-verbal reasoning.
Around one-third of children in Surrey attend a state secondary school, with 86 to choose from.
Nonsuch High School for Girls is a grammar school which borders London and Surrey. However, there are no other academically-selective state schools in Surrey. The closest local grammar schools are in the London boroughs of Kingston-upon-Thames and Sutton, and in Berkshire and Kent.
Nonsuch High School for Girls is a girls' grammar school in Sutton, on the border of Surrey and London. It opened in 1938 and is located on the edge of Nonsuch Park on a 22-acre site.
The school specialises in science and languages and became a member of the Girls' Learning Trust in 2015. A broad curriculum and plenty of enrichment opportunities develop students into global citizens.
Number of pupils: approx. 1,500
National league table rank: 42
2024 A level results: 76.2% A*–B
2024 GCSE results: 83.8% 9–7
Entry points: 11+, 16+
Catchment area: Banstead, Carshalton, Cheam, Epsom, Ewell and West Ewell, Morden, Sutton and Worcester Park
11+ exam: Sutton Selective Eligibility Test and second stage exam
State schools are funded by the government, so you won't need to pay school fees. With the exception of Nonsuch High School for Girls, there are no academically-selective state schools in Surrey, which means that your child will not need to take a test to be offered a place.
However, many of the top non-selective state schools in Surrey do have priority criteria. This is usually for children of a particular faith, children of staff, or children who live in a catchment area. If your child falls into one of these categories, you may need to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF). This will be available on the school website.
If you would like to apply to a state school, you will need to name the school as one of your preferred options on your Common Application Form (CAF). This must be submitted to your home local authority by 31st October when your child is in Year 6. You will find out which school your child has been offered a place at on National Offers Day on 1st March.
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